Programming will never be the same (the Scobleizer).
For those of you geeky scaffold folks here are links about call -151 and HP 16C.
I'm sure Microsoft has enough patents GPLv3 infringes.
So I think the lawyers can do better than they've done yet (see Mary Jo Foley).
Our second lifes seems more and more resemble our first ones. See Steve O'Hear and TechCrunch.
Some folks seems to become a bit emotional about their cellphone.
Robert Scoble has got between the fronts (see Scobleizer).
Is Google getting more and more normal? See Dan Farbers post about Google and the healthcare industry (seen through Garett Rogers).
11th SOA reality: It sounds better (see Joe McKendrick's first 10 realities).
SOA is more than just a piece of software (see Joe McKendrick).
Not so easy to get an iPhone (see Russell Shaw).
I'm very proud of my government because of it's brave fight against terrorism (see Garett Rogers).
The French can resist any temptation (see how Mandriva resists Microsoft on Slashdot and the French government resists Blackberry on Berlind's Testbed)
Consider you gain efficiency with SOA.
What to do with your gained time?
Do somerthing which costs a lot of time (see David Berlind).
No big SOA any more (see Joe McKendrik)?