Mr. Stallman makes no concessions in his attitude towards free software (not open source!!!, see John Carroll).
If The Crows Is Dumb - Just Don't Follow Them
(Sorry for the typo in the headline)
Nicholas Carr writes about the crowd selecting dumber news in Digg et al than the smart editors in mainstream media.
Nicholas, you don't have to read Diggs home page!
There is more in citizen journalism than the top diggs, reddits etc. You also can read something no one has suggested. You can read things almost no one knows of. That's the big difference to mainstream media.
Of course, 2.0 has not made us smarter. It just has given us more choice.
Update: TechCrunch also posts about the survey Nicholas Carr's post is based on.
Why You Need A New Ringtone For Your iPhone
Whether or not Apple is cheating you with the new iPhone ringtones (see David Berlind). You need them.
(Another iPhone-price-cut-off-cartoon is here)
How To Rescue A Project - Last Chapter
How To Rescue A Project - Chapter 3
Marketing Is Marketing, Period
By The Rivers Of Babylon
Six more specifications in the SOA world (see Joe McKendrick).
How To Rescue A Project - Chapter 2
How To Rescue A Project - Chapter 1
What Jobs Said And What He Thought
See Russell Shaw about an interview with Steve Jobs about the iPhone price cut.
Free Libre Microsoft
The No Sin Patent
Names Twooooooooooo.0
See Wired's Bryan Gardiner on the great names of Web 2.0 companies.
Privacy Award For Microsoft WGA
(Another part of the series about the maybe most famous two Steves in IT history - the one from Cupertino and the one Redmond, part 1 is here)
Good news for Microsoft after the WGA server outage (thank god it was just an human error, see Slashdot):
The privacy agancy from the German state of Schleswig-Holstein awarded Microsofts WGA a privacy seal (I've found just a link in German).
The Big Family Of Facebook Founders
It's easier being a Facebook founder than being not (see TechCrunch, Techmeme and a follow-up on TechCrunch).
The Weapons Of The Future
The Top Story Of The Week No. 35
See Scobles latest and maybe last blog post of this story.
Offshore Made Easy - Chapter 1
Offshore development is more than just developing off shore (see the blog post from Michael Krigsman).
The 101.5th Project Management Tip
Michael Krigsman blogs about 101 project management tips.
Here's my humble upgrade of his first tip.
Great Gesture From Yahoo
See Nicholas Carr or ZDNet about Yahoo being sued by the chinese dissidents.