Google is becoming a utility (see Nicholas Carr).
How The Greenhouse Effect Affects Fun Sports
BP has been fined to pay a lot of money (see Harry Fuller and Heather Clancy).
A good day for the start of our small series about global warming and fun sports.
The Triumph Of The "Social"
Sorry for this lame joke.
But after reading TechCrunchs social site ranking I just could not resist.
Too Bad The Telcos Did Not Build Everything
Larry Dignan asks: "Will your phone ever be free?"
Community 0.0 Vs Community 2.0
Nicholas Carr posts about the "illusion of privacy" (unfortinately not a quote from one of the Jaiki founders).
Maybe the major community releases do not differ so much.
Sometimes You Just Don't Wanna Know
See David Greenfield about calculating ROI of enterprise 2.0 systems.
The 2.0 Price Building Process
See Nicholas Carr about the casino economy.
A Real Community
See TechCrunch about networks around residential buildings.
The Final Questions
Lots of discussion about the Google Reader stats. See e.g. Crunchnotes and Techmeme.
The Podnoses - Episode 24 - The Old And The New Distribution Model
Nicholas Carr is - as always - sarcastic about the new model of content distribution. He writes about some thoughts from Ray Kurzweil.
"The means of creativity have now been democratized. For example, anyone with an inexpensive high-definition video camera and a personal computer can create a high-quality, full-length motion picture."
"Yep. Just as the invention of the pencil made it possible for anyone to write a high-quality novel. And just as that power saw down in my cellar makes it possible for me to build a high-quality chest of drawers."
Nicholas, you're right. A pencil does not make a novelist. But there may be quite a few really good novelists out there. And now they have a good chance to get read.
In the new model you have just to be good to be heard.
In the old model you had to be lucky and/or to know the right person.
One Year In A IT Project - Day 6
Just a small reminescence to the Java Posse. See e.g. episode 145 with a small discussion about the right way to indent.
(Part 1 is here)
One Day In 1970
I've just read David Grober's post about 1970's machines.
My Blogging Principle
One Year In A IT Project - Day 5
Why You Do Need A SCA
Frankly, it's not really related to Joe McKendrick's post about SCA and Microsoft.
It just came into my mind while reading his post.
SOA In A Box
A SOA-In-A-Box is possible. See Joe McKendrick.
Are We On A Web 2.0 Bubble?
See Marc Andreessen about the Web 2.0 bubble (seen through Techmeme).
The Podnoses - Episode 23 - The Story Of The Web
Just a last thought on Jason Calacanis' definition of Web 3.0.
How To Get On The Techmeme Leaderboard - Part 1
You have to make headlines to become a leader on Techmeme. Maybe a kind of strange view on journalism. Dave Winer is not really amused about this (see CrunchNotes).
One Day At The RIAA
Having read a post from Dana Blankenhorn I asked myself how a day at the RIAA would look like.
That's my best guess.