UPDATE: Thank you eeyore (see comments)! I made a big mistake and wrote "Captures" instead of "CAPTCHAs" (how stupid can one be?). Sorry. I've just corrected it preliminary.
(In my last CAPTCHA related cartoon, I've written it correctly ;)
UPDATE: Thank you eeyore (see comments)! I made a big mistake and wrote "Captures" instead of "CAPTCHAs" (how stupid can one be?). Sorry. I've just corrected it preliminary.
(In my last CAPTCHA related cartoon, I've written it correctly ;)
See Slashdot about next-generation CAPTCHAs.
See Joe McKendrick and Dana Gardner about SOA and WOA.
Jason Calacanis on the first Gillmor Gang: "You cannot take your followers with you"
The real Gillmor Gang is back.
I really love it!!! So I thought that would be a great opportunity for a new episode of the Podnoses.
They love the Gillmor Gang to: See here and here and here.
Apple did not get a lot of new friends with it's we-know-better-that-you-need-Safari strategy. It has climbed down a bit (see Wired).
Even though a world where Apple wants to install it's OS on every machine is far away (as the Psystar story proves, see Paul Murphy) I'm looking forward to it.
"What do you do against the injustice in Tibet?"
"Business with China."
"That helps?"
"No, but it makes me money."
See Michael Krigsman on "Social media and enterprise power relationships"
Cristopher Dawson kid hates Linux (Dana Blankenhorns kid too).
C'mon! My kids do not even know what Linux is!
(Update 2008-04-16: I scheduled this post for April 17th, but have posted it today (April 16th). The date is nevertheless April 17th. It seems to be a bug in Moveable Type.)