Is Google getting into the real phone business? See Larry Dignan.
The Cool Old Geek
Having read the post from Slate about "The Death of E-Mail" (seen through Techmeme) I fear my daughters will soon see no geek in their old dad any more (if they ever saw it).
Recently In China
Somewhere During The iPhone Launch Night
Was the iPhone launch in UK and Germany a success or not?
Epicenter says "don't know"?
The stock exchange seems to says more no than yes:
"Apple fell more than 7 percent after analysts described the weekend debut of the iPhone in Europe as disappointing." (The News&Observer)
"Apple Inc. fell $11.61, or 7 percent, to $153.76, after analysts described the weekend European launch of the iPhone as disappointing." (
One Year In A IT Project - Day 7
A great quote from Michael Krigsman:
"(...) software is a unique beast which cannot be tamed by wishful thinking alone"
led me to this cartoon.
The Matured Market Of Web 2.0
See Anne Zelenka from GigaOM (seen through Techmeme) about the new soberness of Web 2.0.
In The Year 2525 (Or Earlier)
The Last Judgement - Part 7
See Nate Weiner's (seen through Rough Type) great post about his Facebook experience.
User Adoption Is Key
See Michael Krigsman about CRM implementation failures and end-user engagement.
The Podnoses - Episode 25 - Feedburners Flaw
See Blog Herald (seen through blogrunner) about a flaw in the Feedburner numbers on last Saturday.
(I have to admit I was also a bit concerned)
What Is A Blogger?
See the great post from Bruce Sterling about the The dea(r)th of Blogging
Recently At The Apple Shop (Very Last Part)
Recently At The Apple Shop (Part 2)
Zuckerbergs Nightmare
Big party at OpenSocial and Facebook is not invited (see TechCrunch and TechCrunch).
How To Be Social
Thank god it's so easy to be social and do good. See e.g the "Pringo Powering Social Network From Yokohama" on TechCrunch.
VP For Water And Gas
In Twilight of the CIO (seen through David Berlind) Nicholas Carr writes:
In this world, a company trumpeting the appointment of a new chief information officer will seem as anachronistic as a company today naming a new vice president for water and gas.
Social As A Service
Everything is 'aaS' (see Phil Wainewright). Why not combine it with the other big buzz?
It's The People
Michael Krigsman blogs about "Stopping failure in its tracks":
1. Understand the source of the problem.
2. Decide how to fix it.
Unfortunately sometimes (i.e. often) it's not so easy because "people make projects" (the motto of the IT company I work for).
How To Protect The iPhone Against The Evil
Apple tries to protecte the iPhone against the evil resellers (see TechCrunch or Engadget - seen through Techmeme).
This is my humble suggestion how to manage this.
Simplicity is key (see Michael Krigsman).
AJAX not necessarily (see Joe McKendrick).