CDI and Generic Reflection

Recently I tried to solve a problem regarding CDI.
Let me explain:

The Situation

There are interfaces extending a base interface:

    public interface BaseInterface {

    public interface InterfaceA extends BaseInterface {

    public interface InterfaceB extends BaseInterface {

    // and many more

    public interface InterfaceX extends BaseInterface {

Now I want a CDI producer injecting proxies for any sub-interface of the BaseInterface
To let the producer find its @Injects I define a @Qualifier.
Something like this:

    public @interface ProxyProducer {


    public class Consumer {

        InterfaceA proxyForInterfaceA;

        InterfaceB proxyForInterfaceB;



    public class Producer {

        BaseInterface produceProxy(InjectionPoint ip) {
            Class injectionPointClass = (Class) ip.getType();
            proxy = createDynamicProxy(injectionPointClass);
            return proxy;

        BaseInterface createDynamicProxy(Class interfaceClass) {
            // create and return dynamic proxy

The Problem

Too bad! It does not work.
Producer and consumer will not find each other.
Even the @ProxyProducer qualifier does not convince the CDI container to match producer and injection point.

The Solution (at least the best I've found yet)

I saw this Stackoverflow about reading generic type parameters via reflection and came to the following solution:.
The BaseInterface gets as a generic parameter its own sub interfaces:
    public interface BaseInterface<T extends BaseInterface> {

    public interface InterfaceA extends BaseInterface<InterfaceA> {

    public interface InterfaceB extends BaseInterface<InterfaceB> {

The @Inject attributes are defined as a BaseInterface with the sub interface we need the proxy for as the generic parameter.
    public class Consumer {

    BaseInterface<InterfaceA> proxyForInterfaceA;

    BaseInterface<InterfaceB> proxyForInterfaceB;

Now the producer can read the type parameter and create a proxy for it:
    public class Producer {

        BaseInterface produceProxy(InjectionPoint ip) {
            Class<?> injectionPointClass = (Class<?>) ip.getType();
            Class<?> interfaceClassToCreateProxyFor =
                (Class<?>) ((ParameterizedType) injectionPointClass.getGenericSuperclass()).getActualTypeArguments()[0];

            proxy = createDynamicProxy(interfaceToCreateProxyFor);
            return proxy;

        BaseInterface createDynamicProxy(Class interfaceClass) {
            // create and return dynamic proxy

Since producer and injection point are now of the same type BaseInterface the CDI container will match them together.

If anybody has a better solution please let me know.