Installing Git 1.9.2 On Google Compute Engine With CentOS

Install Git 1.9.2 on CentOS on Google Compute Engine

I just installed Git 1.9.2 on a Google Compute Engine virtual machine running CentOS.
These were the steps which led to success:
At first I followed the steps from Jonathan Mark Smith for Git 1.8.2:
	  yum install gettext-devel expat-devel curl-devel zlib-devel openssl-devel
	  cd /usr/local/src
	  tar xzvf git-1.9.2.tar.gz
	  cd git-1.9.2
	  make prefix=/usr/local all
	  make prefix=/usr/local install
But I got an error saying something like 'Can't locate ExtUtils/'.
Google to my rescue I found a great post on Mad Coder's Blog with the following advice:
	  yum install perl-devel
Now I ran the last two make commands again and I was fine.
	  make prefix=/usr/local all
	  make prefix=/usr/local install